There are few fences apart from where the land adjoins farming land. Derelict remains of very old fences are common on section boundaries and are difficult to locate because of the dense vegetation. There are several tracks which provide access to the coast although they are closed to vehicles.
The only significant land degradation site consists of about 20 ha of active sand drift. This area appears to be decreasing in size as natural stabilisation has occurred as shown by comparison with earlier aerial photographs. First sedges and spinifex colonise the bare areas , which were then taken over by wattles, effectively trapping the sand and stabilising it. It is not considered necessary to intervene in this process, especially as it would be almost impossible to get any machinery to the site without causing further disturbance.

Minor wind erosion problems occur along the coast, especially near Black Point. The whole area has a very high potential for wind erosion and frequent human visitation has the potential to cause further damage. At Black Point there is a small area of damage to the cliff vegetation where many vehicles have parked and turned around. Protective measures may be required to prevent further damage to this area.
No dryland salinity occurs although it is a significant problem in the district. Other land degradation problems such as water erosion , water repellence, soil acidity and soil structure decline do not occur either.
The area had a long European history of burning to promote regrowth for grazing but this was discontinued about 60 years ago because of the low nutritional value of the feed. Since then, apart from some efforts to develop it which were abandoned ( including a small scale attempt to grow broom bush for brush fences) it has been largely ignored.
The land can be classified according to a number of different criteria including agricultural potential and qualities. The overriding factor governing its management is the very high potential for wind erosion.