Until 1990 the company holdings were entirely on Kangaroo Island. The company underwent a major expansion in order to purchase land in the Tothill Ranges, South Australia. The first block acquired in 1990, consists of 177 ha.Since then 484 ha has been added, making a total of 661 ha.
The management plan details the management objectives and the proposed means to achieve them for the Tothill Ranges holdings and includes the current company charter.It forms part of a general framework for the management of the company and its assets, and as such should continure to guide the company’s management and actions well into the future. However it is expected that , over time, the specific details of the Management strategies and actions will need to be updated as changing circumstances demand.

The southern boundary is 14 km north -east of Maraibel and the land extends for 6 km north of the Webb Gap road with a further block Niblet Gap, acquired in 1998 about 4 km further north. In 2007 Lot 2 adjoining the Niblet Gap block was purchased making a total of 661 ha.
All of the land is now freehold and covered by heritage agreements. The land between the northern holding and the southern holding was purchased in 2007 and retained under heritage agreement privately by two Bushland members, bringing the total length of the Tothill Ranges under heritage agreement to over 10 km.

There is a stock-proof fence surrounding the land, much of it old (most renewed), but in reasonable condition. There is ca. 2 km of new fence on the western boundary along a recent subdivision line and 1.5 km of new fence along the eastern boundary of the Niblet Gap block. A major power line crosses the land from west to east, from the Waterloo substation to Morgan, providing power to pumping stations on teh Morgan Whyalla pipelines.
Little is known of the aboriginal history of the area except that the Ngadjuri people occupied the Peppermint Box country of the Mt Lofty Ranges and the mid-north.A few small aboriginal worked stone artifacts have been found in two places; one high on the range, the other lower down. The hundred of Waterloo was settled by Eurpeans in the 1850’s-1860’s and the Hundred of English between 1860 and 1870. The small cleared areas possibly date back to that era. The ruins of an old house and two other buildings and well on Section 2 bear witness to an early episode of farming. The land was once owned by the Webb family , hence the name Webb Gap.
The value of the work done by the Bushland Conservation group is clearly shown in the photo below (taken with a drone) towards Niblet Gap. The density of native vegetation covering the ridge is in stark contrast with the farming land in the background.